Os adjuntamos las últimas novedades sobre la serie de webinars de IFTA que se viene realizando a lo largo de los últimos meses. Para acceder es necesario un código de acceso exclusivo para los miembros de IFTA que podéis solicitar en secretaria@ieatec.es

The following webinar is now available for download here 

Topic: Identification of High Probability Target Zones

Presenter: Andrew J.D. Long, MFTA

About the webinar
Through the integration of several classical technical methods it will be shown how their confluence identifies market areas of interest (HPTZ’s). It will also be demonstrated how the method sets up a «market roadmap» that facilitates a purely technical trading strategy that can be the backbone for any style of trading/investing plan.

About the presenter
Andrew J.D. Long, MFTA is a professional technical market analyst, publisher & editor of TRIGGER$.ca. While Andrew started out as a fundamentalist, the past 20+ years have been devoted to Technical Analysis. His experiences vary and include working with a private fund researching and developing proprietary technical analysis methods. More recently he has earned the Master of Financial Technical Analysis (MFTA) designation from the IFTA for his paper on the development of the HPTZ Methodology.
We hope you enjoy the webinar!